Stroke Rehabilitation Centre is located at Wampeewo – 60 meters off Gayaza Road in Wakiso district. Stroke Rehabilitation Centre was one of the leading private physiotherapy centers for stroke care and rehabilitation services in Uganda with eighteen qualified health care providers; four physiotherapists, one occupational therapist, one speech and language therapist, one physician, two social workers, seven rehabilitation nurses, and one laboratory technician. It received on average twenty-one patients per day giving a total five hundred and forty-six of patients in a month.

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The center had modern state of art facility with a fifty-bed capacity that caters for in patients, a well-equipped gymnasium, and consultation rooms to ensure patients privacy, and a leisure garden that promotes healing in a natural environment. The center offered comprehensive rehabilitation services designed to meet unique patient needs including; in and outpatient rehabilitation, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, psychosocial therapy, rehabilitation nursing and recreational therapy. Other services offered include; laboratory services, specialist’s clinics (neurology, orthopedic, internal medicine) and a dispensary to ensure patients refill. Physiotherapy being concerned with human function, movement and maximizing physical potential, the center uses the following techniques; Electrotherapy, exercise therapy, functional and gait re training and re-integration of the stroke survivors into the community. Stroke Rehabilitation Centre is a leading provider of stroke care and rehabilitation services in Uganda. Established with a vision to transform the lives of stroke survivors, we are committed to providing exceptional care and support, helping individuals regain their independence and achieve their fullest potential. Our Senior Management Team has played a tremendous roles.

  • Rehabilitation is defined as “a set of interventions designed to optimize functioning and reduce disability in individuals with health conditions in interaction with their environment”.

  • Rehabilitation is an essential part of universal health coverage along with promotion of good health, prevention of disease, treatment and palliative care. Rehabilitation helps a child, adult or older person to be as independent as possible in everyday activities and enables participation in education, work, recreation and meaningful life roles such as taking care of family.

  • We are a quality community service providing rehabilitation both physical and mental, counselling, alcohol and drug, child and family services and social support programs. We offer services for all ages and work as a team to support you.

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) defines: health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The WHO states that “there is no health without mental health.” At The Rehab Clinic, we understand the importance of having the right assistive devices and orthotics to aid in your recovery and improve your quality of life. That’s why we offer a wide range of products to choose from, including:

  • These support devices are designed to help stabilize and support the lower back, helping to alleviate pain and discomfort. Our selection of wheelchairs includes both manual and electric options, with a variety of sizes and styles to suit different needs and preferences. Crutches: We offer both underarm and forearm crutches, as well as knee walkers, to help you get around while recovering from an injury or surgery. Walkers: From standard walkers to rollators with built-in seats and baskets, we have a range of options to help you stay mobile and independent. Canes: Whether you need a traditional cane or a more specialized option like a quad cane or a cane with a built-in seat, we have something for everyone. Orthotics: From insoles and arch supports to knee and ankle braces, our selection of orthotics can help alleviate pain and improve mobility. Medical alert systems: For those who may need a little extra help in an emergency, we offer medical alert systems that allow you to quickly and easily call for assistance.

  • Helping you find the right assistive devices and orthotics to meet your needs and goals. Our team of trained professionals is here to answer any questions you may have and help you make the best choice for your situation.

  • Is required to “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages” (Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3) and to reach SDG Target 3.8 “Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.”

SRC and NCD HSPT offer the most comprehensive range of inpatient and outpatient services in the country to help you live a more meaningful life than you ever expected. Our interdisciplinary team is dedicated to helping you not only recover from the mental and physical deficits of stroke but heal emotionally and socially as well. Above all, our primary goal is to make sure that when you leave SRC and NCD HSPT, you’re able to enjoy life again as before, or at least close to it with our integration program. While on your journey to recovery, we instill in you a renewed passion for life and the confidence you need to go out and enjoy life to its fullest.

Italian Trulli

Stroke Rehabilitation Centre is a leading provider of stroke care and rehabilitation services in Uganda. Established with a vision to transform the lives of stroke survivors, we are committed to providing exceptional care and support, helping individuals regain their independence and achieve their fullest potential. Our Senior Management Team has played a tremendous roles.                                                                                                                                          Italian Trulli

At SRC we offer a range of support services to help improve the quality of life and wellbeing of stroke patients and their carers after a heart event or stroke. You can read about the services we offer below. To find out more information about any of our heart and stroke supports please call our Nurse Support Line or

Our Experienced Team

Our staff come with a wealth of experience in their respective domains. Each of them with years of clinical experience having worked at hospitals, corporates or as entrepreneurs.

Mr.Andrew Mutabazi

Reseach Nurse

Mr.Anthony Kasibante


Mr.Kayanja Henry

Senior Physiotherapist

Mr.Kironde Harrison

Psychotherapist Acting Head of rehabilitation services

Mr.Ponsiano Mulengezi,RN

Research Nurse

Mr.Rita Kaaya

Senior Administrator & PRO

Ms .Sharon Atuhaire

Senior Rehab.Nurse& assistant Incharge

Ms .Winnie Nabaggala

Case manager &senior rehabilitation Nursing officer

Ms.Hellen N.

Receptionist and customer care provider

Ms.Nakanwagi Noah

Senior councilor

Ms.Olivia kabaika

Senior Rehabilitation Nursing officer & Incharge operations

Ms.Trinity Kebirungi

Rehabilitation Nurse &Hand function trainer

Mulinga Betty's Journey to Recovery and Empowerment

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  • Mulinga Betty, a dedicated primary school teacher, experienced a life-altering stroke in 2018. This sudden event left her unable to perform basic functions such as walking, sitting, or holding objects. Betty was immediately rushed to Kirudu Hospital and later transferred to Nsambya Hospital. Despite the medical care she received at both hospitals, her condition showed no signs of improvement.

  • In her search for effective treatment, a friend recommended the Stroke Rehabilitation Center in Wampewo. On March 25, 2019, Betty arrived at the rehab center, facing significant challenges. For the first eight months, she was completely dependent on others for feeding and daily activities.

  • The turning point in Betty’s journey came through the dedicated efforts of the professional doctors and therapists at the rehabilitation center. With their expert care and support, she gradually regained her ability to walk and sit independently. This remarkable progress was a testament to her determination and the quality of care she received.

  • In addition to her physical recovery, Betty’s life took a further positive turn through the support of Stroke Foundation Uganda. The foundation provided her with valuable training in various skills, including the making of bar soap and liquid soap. These new skills not only empowered her to be more self-reliant but also opened up new opportunities for her to support herself financially.

  • Mulinga Betty’s story is one of resilience and triumph. From being completely dependent on others to regaining her independence and acquiring new skills, she exemplifies the power of perseverance and the impact of comprehensive rehabilitation and community support. Her journey serves as an inspiration to many facing similar challenges, showcasing that recovery and empowerment are possible with the right support and determination.

Sylvia Mpologoma's Journey to Recovery

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  • Sylvia Mpologoma, a resilient woman from Kawanda Kirinyabigo, lived a vibrant life selling bicycles in Katwe. Her entrepreneurial spirit and dedication were well-known among her customers and peers. However, in March 2020, Sylvia life took an unexpected turn. One evening, after a long day at work, Sylvia returned home and decided to shower. As she was retrieving clothes from the wire, she suddenly felt a sharp pain and collapsed into a chair, hitting the back of her head. Alarmed by her condition, her family quickly called a nearby doctor from a neighboring clinic. Despite their efforts, the initial treatment provided little relief.

  • Sylvia younger daughter, realizing the severity of the situation, contacted the family members for additional support. They acted swiftly, arranging for an ambulance to take Sylvia to Wanda Matugga Health Center IV. Upon evaluation, the medical team referred her to Rubaga Hospital for a CT scan, and eventually, she was moved to Mulago Heart Institute for further assessment.

  • The diagnosis confirmed that Sylvia had suffered a stroke. The prognosis was daunting, but her family remained hopeful. A friend recommended the Stroke Rehabilitation Center in Wampewo, a facility known for its specialized care. With renewed determination, they reached out to Dr. Bukenya, who facilitated Sylvia transfer to the rehabilitation center.

  • At the Stroke Rehabilitation Center, Sylvia journey to recovery began in earnest. The team, led by Dr. Bukenya, crafted a comprehensive rehabilitation plan tailored to her needs. Through intensive therapy, unwavering support, and Sylvia own tenacity, significant progress was made. She relearned to walk, regained her ability to sit unaided, and began speaking again, albeit with some limitations.

  • Sylvia story is one of perseverance and the power of community. Her recovery was a collective effort, involving her dedicated family, compassionate medical professionals, and friends who refused to give up hope. Today, Sylvia stands as a testament to resilience and the remarkable strides that can be made through concerted care and determination.

  • Her journey is far from over, but the progress she has made is nothing short of miraculous. Sylvia Mpologoma’s life, marked by courage and an indomitable spirit, continues to inspire all who know her.

  • And the dedication of stroke foundation Uganda in empowering stroke survivals rebuilding their lives again with the skills and home visits to encourage all stroke survivals

Mustafa Lukwago's Recovery from Stroke

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  • Mustafa Lukwago, a vibrant individual from Kiburi, faced a life-altering challenge two months ago when he suffered a severe stroke. His condition was critical, and he was immediately admitted to the hospital for urgent care. Upon stabilizing his condition, the doctors recommended he continue his recovery at the Stroke Rehabilitation Centre in Wampewo, known for its dedicated care and support for stroke survivors.

  • When Mustafa first arrived at the rehabilitation centre, his condition was bad. He was dependent on feeding tubes, unable to walk, and even sitting up . The stroke had left him physically weakened and emotionally shaken. However, the dedicated team at the stroke rehabilitation center Wampewo saw not just his limitations but his potential for recovery.

  • With a comprehensive rehabilitation program tailored to his needs, Mustafa began his journey to recovery. The initial days were tough, filled with intense therapy sessions focusing on physical, occupational, and speech therapy. The goal was to help him regain his strength, mobility, and independence.

  • The support from the rehab was unwavering. Mustafa received personalized care from the physiotherapists who worked diligently to help him regain his ability to walk. Each small step forward was a monumental victory. The occupational therapists focused on helping him relearn essential skills, while the speech therapists assisted in improving his communication abilities.

  • Despite the challenges, Mustafa's determination never wavered. He pushed himself daily, motivated by the progress he was making, no matter how small. Slowly but surely, he began to see improvements. His strength increased, and he started to sit up without assistance. Feeding tubes were removed as he relearned to feed himself. These milestones were celebrated by his caregivers and fellow stroke survivors, who cheered him on every step of the way.

  • Mustafa's turning point came when Mustafa took his first steps. What seemed impossible just weeks before became a reality. With the aid of walkers and the encouraging words of his therapists, he managed to stand and walk short distances. His perseverance paid off, and each day brought new achievements.

    Today, Mustafa Lukwago can walk independently and sit with limited assistance. His recovery journey is a testament to the power of resilience, the importance of specialized care, and the incredible support system at the Stroke Rehabilitation Centre in Wampewo. Mustafa's story is an inspiration to many, showing that with determination, the right support, and comprehensive rehabilitation, recovery is possible

    Mustafa's journey continues, but Mustafa now faces the future with renewed hope and strength. The stroke may have changed his life, but it also revealed his extraordinary courage and the remarkable potential for recovery and new beginnings.

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